Future Builder’s Club Constitution
The mission of the Future Builder’s Club in the Engineering and Construction Academy is: To Build a Workforce for California. The Future Builder’s Club will prepare our students for the transition into adulthood with industry validated certifications and a four-year CTE digital portfolio. Our new club will provide leadership skills and expose our club members to mentors in the construction industry to prepare our students for pre-employment and continuing education in the Building Trades and Construction Industry Career Sector.
Article I: Name
Future Builders Club
Article II: Membership
- All members must be students at Lincoln High School in grades 9-12
- We will encourage all of our members to maintain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA however, we will allow all students to participate.
- Students that do not attend regularly scheduled meetings will be dropped from the membership if they miss three meetings.
Article III: Officers
- The President will be elected to a term for the entire school year.
- The Vice-President will be elected for the full school year.
- The Secretary will be elected for the full school year.
- The Treasure will be elected for the full school year.
Article IV: Meetings
- All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the Future-Builders Club.
- All officers of the club will maintain a 2.0 GPA and be in good standing with attendance and disciplinary policies in the student handbook of Lincoln High School.
- Our club will meet monthly at lunch to carry out the business of our club.
Article V: Amendments
Any amendments to our constitution shall be voted on by a two-thirds majority of our membership. Students can propose changes to our constitution in writing to our President.
Article VI: Ratification of Constitution
The Constitution of the Future Builders Club will become effective upon ratification of the membership at our September meeting in 2010.
Fundraisers: Club Activities
The Future Builder’s Club will raise money through the following activities:
- Academy Student Store. We will be selling hats and shirts. We will also be selling products made by Academy students.
- We will participate in homecoming week and build a booth.
- Our club will help with the Academy fundraiser for the year. (This year we raised over $8,000.00 to purchase a Police Dog).
The Future Builder’s Club will be merging our account with The ACE club and we will have approximately $2500.00 to start the year.