Lincoln High School
Stockton, California
Jeff Wright (209) 639-1066
Dave Dabaco (209) 481-9899

Future Builders Club

Future Builder’s Club Constitution


The mission of the Future Builder’s Club in the  Engineering and Construction Academy is: To Build a Workforce for California. The Future Builder’s Club will prepare our students for the transition into adulthood with industry validated certifications and a four-year CTE digital portfolio. Our new club will provide leadership skills and expose our club members to mentors in the construction industry to prepare our students for pre-employment and continuing education in the Building Trades and Construction Industry Career Sector.

Article I: Name

Future Builders Club

Article II: Membership

  1. All members must be students at Lincoln High School in grades 9-12
  2. We will encourage all of our members to maintain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA however, we will allow all students to participate.
  3. Students that do not attend regularly scheduled meetings will be dropped from the membership if they miss three meetings.

 Article III: Officers

  1. The President will be elected to a term for the entire school year.
  2. The Vice-President will be elected for the full school year.
  3. The Secretary will be elected for the full school year.
  4. The Treasure will be elected for the full school year.

Article IV:  Meetings

  1. All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the Future-Builders Club.
  2. All officers of the club will maintain a 2.0 GPA and be in good standing with attendance and disciplinary policies in the student handbook of Lincoln High School.
  3. Our club will meet monthly at lunch to carry out the business of our club.

Article V: Amendments

Any amendments to our constitution shall be voted on by a two-thirds majority of our membership. Students can propose changes to our                                               constitution in writing to our President.

Article VI: Ratification of Constitution

The Constitution of the Future Builders Club will become effective upon ratification of the membership at our September meeting in 2010.

Fundraisers: Club Activities

The Future Builder’s Club will raise money through the following activities:

  1. Academy Student Store. We will be selling hats and shirts. We will also be selling products made by Academy students.
  2. We will participate in homecoming week and build a booth.
  3. Our club will help with the Academy fundraiser for the year. (This year we raised over $8,000.00 to purchase a Police Dog).


The Future Builder’s Club will be merging our account with The ACE club and we will have approximately $2500.00 to start the year.